Uluslar Arası Kongre Bildirileri
Uluslar arası kongrelerde sunulan, SCI, SCI Expanded, SSCI ve AHCI kapsamındaki dergi özel sayılarında veya aynı kapsamdaki kongre kitabında tam metni veya özeti yayınlanmış bildiriler ve editöre mektuplar
Leventoglu, A., H.R. Kuruoglu,
“Relationships between nerve conduction measures and clinical symptom severity in carpal tunnel syndrome”, XVIIIth World Congress of Neurology November 5-11, Abstract Book; P1430, 463, Sydney, Australia, 2005 (J Neurol Sci 2005;238 Suppl:463).
Saygun, M., T. Pinar, A. Cakmak, A. Leventoglu ve N. Ulu,
“The assessment of factors that effect on cognitive processes of elderly people living in centrum of Kırıkkale”, Geriatrics 2006, International Congress of Elderly Health, April 2-6, Abstract Book; P22, 43, İstanbul, Turkey, 2006 (Turkish J Geriatr 2006;9 Suppl:43)
Leventoglu, A. ve A.I. Baysal,
“Pure Parkinsonian tremor: Clinical follow up study of 23 cases”, 11th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, June 3-7, Abstract Book; P257, 79, Istanbul, Turkey, 2007 (Mov Disord 2007;22 Suppl:79)
A.P. Cil, A. Leventoglu, G. Yildiz, R. Soylukoc, K. Oktay.
The impact of immunmodulating drugs on ovarian reserve in multiple sclerosis patients. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 90, Supplement, September 2008, Page S259
A.P. Cil, A. Leventoglu, M. Sonmezer, A. Uzdogan, Z.B. Guler, K. Oktay.
Ovarian reserve assesment in patients with multiple sclerosis. Fertility and Sterility, Volume 94, Issue 4, Supplement, September 2010, Page S98
Leventoglu A, Ozlu P, Arslan FI, Morkavuk G, Unal-Cevik I, Onal MZ.
“An Unusual Case of Subclinical Peripheral Neuropathy and Cervical Spondylosis in Atopic Myelitis: Report of a New Case Outside Japan”. XXth World Congress of Neurology, Marrakesh, Morocco, November 12-17, 2011 (P-65).
Leventoglu A, Morkavuk G.
Small Fiber Neuropathy Associated with Hyperlipidemia: Utility of Cutaneous Silent Periods and Autonomic Tests. ICCN 2014,P:225, Berlin, Almanya
Leventoglu A, Leventoglu S.
“Myasthenia gravis as a paraneoplastic syndrome associated with colon adenocarcinoma" EFNS-ENS congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May-3 June 2014.
Leventoglu A, Beton O.E, Demir M.
"Occlusion of the Percheron artery; acute bilateral paramedian thalamic and mesencephalic infarcts". EFNS-ENS congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 31 May-3 June 2014.
G. Morkavuk, G. Koc, Y. Gokoglan, H.K. Kabul, A. Leventoglu, Z. Gokcil.
Atrioventricular block in patient followed with the diagnosis of epilepsy, 2017, WCN, Kyoto, Japan.
M. Ekici, A. Leventoglu.
The relationship between autonomic disfunction and health-related quality of life in patients with Parkinsons disease severity, 2017, WCN, Kyoto, Japan.