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Epilepsy - Sara's Disease

Epilepsy - What is Epilepsy? What are the Symptoms and Treatment Methods?

Epilepsy, also known as seizure disorder, is a neurological problem in which neuronal activity in the brain is disrupted, causing strange sensations, convulsions, and other seizure-related symptoms.

Epilepsy - What is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy - Sara's Disease is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent seizures. It occurs when normal nerve cell activity in your brain is disrupted or interrupted, causing a wide variety of seizure-related symptoms:

Uncontrollable jerking movements of the arms and legs
Loss of awareness or unconsciousness
Temporary confusion or psychic symptoms
Epilepsy - About half of patients with epilepsy develop the disease without a specific underlying cause. In some cases, the risk of epileptic seizures increases;

Family History: Some types of epilepsy can occur in more than one family member, increasing the likelihood that these conditions may have a genetic component.

Focal causes: A stroke or brain tumor can cause epilepsy; in fact, stroke is the main cause of epilepsy for patients older than 35 years.

Brain Trauma: Brain trauma during sports or in a car accident or for any other reason can cause epilepsy.

Viral Infections: Certain viral infections, including meningitis, viral encephalitis, and AIDS, can lead to epilepsy.

Developmental Issues: People with autism, neurofibromatosis, and other developmental disorders are more likely to have epilepsy.

Fetal Brain Injury: Babies with brain damage during fetal development – ​​lack of oxygen, inadequate maternal nutrition, infection or trauma – predispose to epilepsy.

How Common Is Epilepsy?
Epilepsy affects people of all ages and is the fourth most common neurological disorder. Epilepsy affects approximately 65 million people worldwide.

How Is Epilepsy Treated?
Although a patient is said to have epilepsy if they have two or more unprovoked seizures at least 24 hours apart, the diagnosis of epilepsy usually requires a thorough neurological examination, blood tests, and various tests to detect abnormalities.

Once a patient has been properly examined and diagnosed, medication is started to reduce or eliminate seizures. Finding the right drug or combination of drugs and the right dose is important and difficult. With appropriate treatment, about 60% of epileptic epileptic patients can recover from epileptic seizures within a few years.